Networking Operations
Add Peer
Add a peer to the list of known peers and attempt to connect to it. Password protected like the Debug Operations. POST only.
requestType is addPeer
peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)
Response: refer to Get Peer
isNewlyAdded is true if the peer was not already known, omitted otherwise
Example: Refer to Add Peer example.
Blacklist API Proxy Peer
Blacklist a remote node from the UI, so it won't be used when in roaming and light client modes.
POST only.
requestType is blacklistAPIProxyPeer
peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)
adminPassword is a string with the admin password (optional)
done (B) is true if the peer is blacklisted
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Blacklist API Proxy Peer example.
Blacklist Peer
Blacklist a peer for the default blacklisting period. Password protected like the Debug Operations. POST only.
requestType is blacklistPeer
peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)
done (B) is true if the peer is blacklisted
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Blacklist Peer example.
Get Inbound Peers
Get all peers that have sent a request to this peer in the last 30 minutes.
requestType is getInboundPeers
includePeerInfo is true to include peer information, otherwise include only the address (optional)
peers (A) is an array of peer addresses or peer objects (refer to Get Peer for details) depending on includePeerInfo
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Get Inbound Peers example.
Get My Info
Get hostname and address of the requesting node.
requestType is getMyInfo
host (S) is the node hostname
address (S) is the node address
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Get My Info example.
Get Peer
Get information about a given peer.
requestType is getPeer
peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)
hallmark (S) is the hex string of the peer's hallmark, if it is defined
downloadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes downloaded by the peer
address (S) the IP address or DNS name of the peer
weight (N) is the peer's weight value
uploadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes uploaded by the peer
version (S) is the version of the software running on the peer
platform (S) is a string representing the peer's platform
lastUpdated (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last peer status update
blacklisted (B) is true if the peer is blacklisted
services (A) is an array of strings with the services the node provides
blacklistingCause (S) is the cause of blacklisting (if blacklisted is true)
announcedAddress (S) is the name that the peer announced to the network (could be a DNS name, IP address, or any other string)
application (S) is the name of the software application, typically NRS
state (N) defines the state of the peer: 0 for NON_CONNECTED, 1 for CONNECTED, or 2 for DISCONNECTED
shareAddress (B) is true if the address is allowed to be shared with other peers
inbound (B) is true if the peer has made a request to this node
inboundWebSocket (B) is true if an inbound websocket has been established from this node
outboundWebSocket (B) is true if an outbound websocket has been established to this node
lastConnectAttempt (B) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last connection attempt to the peer
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Get Peer example.
Get Peers
Get a list of peer IP addresses.
requestType is getPeers
active is true for active (not NON_CONNECTED) peers only (optional, if true overrides state)
state is the state of the peers, one of NON_CONNECTED, CONNECTED, or DISCONNECTED (optional)
includePeerInfo is true to include peer detail as in Get Peer
service to filter on a specific service
Note: If neither active nor state is specified, all known peers are retrieved.
peers (A) is an array of peer addresses
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Get Peers example.
Set API Proxy Peer
Set the remote node to use when in roaming and light client modes. POST only.
requestType is setAPIProxyPeer
peer is the IP address or domain name of the peer (plus optional port)
adminPassword is a string with the admin password (optional)
downloadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes downloaded by the peer
address (S) the IP address or DNS name of the peer
weight (N) is the peer's weight value
uploadedVolume (N) is the number of bytes uploaded by the peer
version (S) is the version of the software running on the peer
platform (S) is a string representing the peer's platform
blockchainState (S) is a string describing the state of the blockchain in the peer
lastUpdated (N) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last peer status update
blacklisted (B) is true if the peer is blacklisted
services (A) is an array of strings with the services the node provides
apiPort (N) is the API access port of the peer
apiSSLPort (N) is the SSL API access port of the peer
blacklistingCause (S) is the cause of blacklisting (if blacklisted is true)
announcedAddress (S) is the name that the peer announced to the network (could be a DNS name, IP address, or any other string)
application (S) is the name of the software application, typically NRS
state (N) defines the state of the peer: 0 for NON_CONNECTED, 1 for CONNECTED, or 2 for DISCONNECTED
shareAddress (B) is true if the address is allowed to be shared with other peers
inbound (B) is true if the peer has made a request to this node
inboundWebSocket (B) is true if an inbound websocket has been established from this node
outboundWebSocket (B) is true if an outbound websocket has been established to this node
lastConnectAttempt (B) is the timestamp (in seconds since the genesis block) of the last connection attempt to the peer
requestProcessingTime (N) is the API request processing time (in millisec)
Example: Refer to Set API Proxy Peer example.
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