Basics of Prizm Cryptography
The key exchange in Prizm is based on the Curve25519 algorithm, which generates a shared secret using Diffie-Hellman's fast efficient elliptic curve with a high degree of protection. The algorithm was first demonstrated by Daniel J. Bernstein in 2006. Next implementations on Java were reviewed by Doctor Evil in March 2014. The signing of messages in Prizm is carried out using the Elliptic-Curve digital signature algorithm (EC-KCDSA), which was defined by the IEEE P1363a group in 1998 by the KCDSA Task force team. Both algorithms were chosen to balance speed and security for a key size of only 32 bytes.
Main features
Advanced JavaScript client
Convenient client application of the Second generation embedded in the distribution of the basic software Prizm, and which can be accessed via a local web browser. The client provides full support for all major Prizm features implemented so that users ' private keys are never available online. It also includes an enhanced administrative interface and built-in Javadoc documentation for the Prizm low-priority application programming interface.
Portable device
Thanks to its cross platform based on Java roots, the hashing of Proof of Stake and its future ability to reduce block chain size, Prizm is extremely well suited for use on small low-power low-resource devices. Android and iPhone apps and software have been ported to low-power ARM devices such as the RaspberryPi and CubieTruck platforms. The ability to implement Prizm on low-power, always-connected devices such as smartphones allows us to present a scenario in which most Prizm networks are supported on mobile devices. Low cost and resource consumption of these devices significantly reduce network costs compared to traditional cryptocurrency Proof of Work.
Basic payments
The most fundamental feature of any cryptocurrency is the ability to transfer coins from one account to another. This is the most fundamental type of Prizm transactions, and it allows you to use basic payment functions.
Last updated